Today I want to move away from the usual "tips", "life hacks" and "homemade".
I recently had a coven ... It was necessary to help one company, eliminate the instructions of the inspector from the "energy supervision".
It seems to me, dear colleagues, that it will be interesting for you to play the role of an inspector yourself and find violations of the PB. And at the same time check whether your opinion agrees with the opinion of the inspector.
What violations the inspector found, I will describe in the comments. Until then, let's go!
- Main switchboard. There are 2 violations in this photo.
2. Again, the main switchboard. There is one violation here.
3. Switchboard workshop. To make it clearer to you, I marked the connection points of the input cable in the photo. 3 violations were found.
4. Ground bus in one of the workshops. One violation.
5. The same ground bus. One violation.
6. Switchboard of one of the workshops. Three violations.
What the inspector “dug up”, read below in the comments.
What the inspector found: