The simplest converter 12 V to 220 V

The simplest converter 12 V to 220 V

Do you need a simple 12V DC to 220V AC converter?


The simplest inverter (DC-to-AC converter) can be constructed literally on three elements.

True, one should not expect voltage stability and especially frequency from it. It is not recommended to feed them with some expensive electronics. The waveform will not be a sine wave, but a rectangular one. The duration of the positive and negative components of the signal will depend on the relay used.

 Nevertheless, such a scheme exists - maybe someone will come in handy.

So, you will need the following items:

– voltage transformer 220/12 V

- electromagnetic relay (coil supply voltage - 12V, switched current - 10A)

- capacitor 0.05-0.1 uF

 As a load, you can use an LED lamp, powered by a 12 V battery.

So, the coil of the electromagnetic relay and the secondary winding of the transformer are connected in parallel. One common node is immediately connected to the battery, and the other, through a normally closed relay contact, also goes to the battery.

In parallel with the relay contact, it is advisable to connect a capacitor with a capacity of 0.05-0.1 uF - in order to extinguish the arc that occurs between the contacts.

We supply power to the circuit. Through a normally closed contact, the current will flow through the coil winding and through the secondary winding of the transformer. The relay will break the contact, the power supply to the circuit will stop. The contact immediately closes - the relay coil and the transformer are energized again. The relay will open the contact again.

As you understand, the pulses entering the secondary winding will be transformed on the primary winding. The voltage on the primary winding is about 220 V. But it is quite difficult to guess what the frequency will be. It all depends on the speed of the relay.

It is worth noting that the current passing through the circuit "battery - contact - secondary winding of the transformer" will be 220/12 \u003d 18.3 times greater than the current flowing through the circuit "primary winding - light bulb".

Such a scheme will not be durable due to the limited resource of the number of relay switchings. Having a capacitor connected in parallel with the relay contact will prolong the life of the contact.