Before graduating from the institute, the teachers warned us that in production, our future hardened colleagues would probably want to “play a joke” on us.
We were warned about the most common jokes. For which many thanks to the teachers. This knowledge allowed not only to get out of the situation with dignity, but also to crank out a counter draw.
Since our specialty was related to energy, then the jokes were appropriate.
By the way, if you also came across any pranks, I'm waiting for your stories in the comments.
Have you ever held the probes of a megohmmeter with your bare hands when your partner turns the generator handle? And this is one of the most popular jokes.
The meaning of the draw is as follows: An experienced colleague talks about how to use this device ... At the end of the briefing, he says: “Do you know what the resistance of your body is? You want to know?"
As a rule, if the "victim" does not know the features of the megohmmeter, then he agrees. The "instructor" asks to pick up the tips of the probes, and he begins to turn the handle. Depending on the degree of insidiousness of the older comrade, 500, 1000 or 2500 Volts appear on the probes at the moment the handle is turned. It won’t kill you, but it won’t “rot” well :)
One of my former classmates prepared for this procedure in advance: he passed an insulated wire through the sleeves. The ends of the wire were in clenched palms until the moment of "measurement". And when he took on the probes, he imperceptibly closed the wire to the tips.
The “Joker” was in shock: the “young one” is not shocked, and the arrow of the device goes to zero ... Apparently deciding that the device is damaged, he says: “Come on, turn it around, and I will hold on. Something "vixen" is not working properly!
What happened then, you probably guessed - the old, hardened electrician, who went through "fire and water" rotted so that he sat down on the fifth point. The whole team was laughing from this circus, and my friend earned respect almost from the first working day :)
What can be carried in a bucket?
How do you think: “What can be carried in a bucket?”
“Yes, whatever! I'm tired of stupid questions!" - you will answer for sure.
And here is the script for the next popular joke. True, she comes across the most, to put it mildly, stupid.
Usually, the scenario is played out at the moment when, for some reason, the voltage on the object disappears. Of course, all work stops.
And then, someone from the brigade says something like this:
-Yo-mayo, five minutes was not enough to finish the job! Seryoga! (referring to the young man). Take a bucket and instantly fly to the boss, let the bucket give energy ... so that 10 minutes of work is enough!
If the “victim” fell for a divorce, then further events depend on the boss. Either the “young” will fly in that such and such a fool fell for a stupid divorce, or the brigade that they are bullying the young, or ... will play along and redirect him somewhere else.
In general ... Fun!
And if women work at the facility, then the joke is tougher - the young one is sent for ... menstro paint.
The reaction of women is unpredictable. From a crack to a reciprocal joke.
They also sent us to the warehouse for a wooden dowel, the drivers asked to bring a bucket of sparks.
One of my acquaintances even played an innocent young accountant. Their microwave stopped working in their department, so after a couple of minutes of inspection, he concluded: “So her batteries are dead!”
And what do you think…? The poor thing hit the store and brought two dozen AA batteries ...
And this case, as it were, is difficult to call a rally. It kind of happened by accident...
Builders worked at our base. The foundation blocks were dismantled. They brought a mobile compressor with them, which pumped air for jackhammers.
The compressor was powered by a cable from the switchboard. Worked, worked... And then suddenly again! And knocked out! As it turned out, the ground leakage relay worked (we had an isolated neutral there, so this type of protection must be present).
The meaning of the problem is clear: either in the cable or in the compressor motor, the insulation resistance has decreased and one of the phases has begun to short to ground.
One of the men then blurted out jokingly: “We need to raise the compressor above the ground. There will be no contact with the soil - it will stop knocking out.
And what do you think? The young master, having heard this, immediately gave the command to the slingers to hook the copressor with slings, and to the crane operator to raise the compressor half a meter above the ground.
As luck would have it, at that very moment the director came to the facility and saw this "life hack" with his own eyes. Then we all came out: the master for stupidity, and we for a joke.
Checking the student's knowledge
Electrical workers annually pass exams to confirm the admission group. One of the topics that everyone who works with electricity should know is first aid for an electric shock victim.
A friend of mine decided to play a trick on a student.
While working in the switchboard, paired with the "young", he suddenly began to twitch and mumble: like, he was shocked by the current. I wanted to see the boy's reaction.
Yep... I saw it.
The guy, without hesitation, grabbed a dry board and ka-a-a-ak hit his hands. (After all, they taught that the first step is to free the victim from the action of the current with a dry, non-conductive current object. A dry board is an ideal tool for such a thing)
The result is a fracture of both hands. Joking…