Do you know the answer to one of the following questions:
How often do you need to charge your flash drive?
-How long does it take to charge a flash drive?
-How to understand that the flash drive needs to be charged?
I hope these questions “smiled” at you and you thought: “Author, what are you talking about here? I'm going to dislike you right now, you fool!" (do not rush to put a dislike, read the article to the end :))
But such questions do sometimes arise on the forums ... Moreover, their authors are interested in this information in all seriousness :)
Although ... maybe you know something about it? Please share your advice :)
A girl stands on the shore of a reservoir and thinks:
-What comes first? … Pillar? Or... a pond?
Indeed, I want to understand: did the electricians mess up or did the reservoir itself grab extra territory?
Be that as it may... I hope that all that junk on the pole that we are seeing is already disabled :)
Looking at the photo below in the text, I remembered one colleague from the distant past.
It was in the 90s. Throughout the post-Soviet space there was one common problem - the delay or non-payment of wages. Or no work at all...
The company where I worked, albeit with delays, but paid the salary. True, these delays were from 6 to 12 months ... Nevertheless, people from neighboring cities came to work from us (this is better than sitting without money at all).
So... a guy worked for us as an electrician... about 20 years old... only after the army. I rented a room in the private sector from my grandmother. Due to the lack of money, he paid her off ... with labor hours: he came home from work, be kind to do something around the house for the benefit of granny!
Normal barter. Many people lived like this back then. I'm talking about barter.
However, the grandmother had one drawback - she was a little deaf. In the evening, she turns on her TV with the next "Santa Barbara" or "Maria", and falls asleep. And the volume is almost all turned up! And the boy has to get up for work at 4:30 in the morning.
The kid asked his granny to make it quieter, she did ... And after a minute or two she turned it on again for the whole.
The way out has been found! He's pictured below! Do you understand what it's about?
The traffic jams at the entrance to the house were just traffic jams, i.e. with fusible inserts. If the insert burns out, it was possible to apply the voltage only by replacing the fuse or putting a "bug".
Here the tomboy cut down the whole house with the help of a jumper. The cork burned out ... The grandmother calmly went to sleep, and in the morning our tomboy changed the cork (he made a bug out of a thin wire so that next time it would also quickly burn out).
Oh those "creative people"...
I don’t argue: it’s neatly done, it looks funny and unusual, no one else has it for sure ... and even in terms of fire safety, I think it’s quite normal (if the tree is not dry, it’s unlikely to flare up from a short circuit or poor contact).
But! The author of the idea did not think about the visor over the socket !!! Indeed, in rainy weather it will be flooded ... with all the ensuing ... more precisely, the flowing consequences.
And one more thing ... As I understand it, those two cables that we see on the right feed these wonderful sockets?
On the face of the hand .... in the ordinary.
Teachers, librarians, doctors, drivers, women, old people and children will unanimously say:
-Oh no no no!!! Really it was impossible to deal with the wires when the paving slabs were laid!?
Although ... What are the tilers to blame for? They have done their job! Done well!
They had no right to climb to the wires. And they did the right thing by leaving it as is. Because the customer was squeamish to call a specialist who would do everything according to Feng Shui.
And with this “ekibana”, some electrician will still have to rake.
Well this is from what poverty or hopelessness I had to go for such creativity !!!
Here you have the destruction of the stereotype, they say, electricians only deal with the fact that copper and aluminum are scrapped from morning to evening ... !!!
And how do you like that? For business, even your own pan is not a pity! Fortunately, it's aluminum, not enameled :) I wonder what they would do if the wires were copper?
And here's another thing ... If the pan is there for a long time, I think that a hole needs to be drilled in the bottom! Why do you think? I'm waiting for your suggestions in the comments.
Jokes aside! Serious business!
Before you is a certain device, from the times of the USSR. It looks like a fork. Yes, and the dimensions are about the same. It doesn't look like homemade. Look, a special place has been prepared for the capacitor!
I can assume that this is something like a reactive power compensator.
Although ... The rating of the conder is not visible, but as far as I remember, for such capacitors with given dimensions, the capacitance could be ... a maximum of 1 microfarad. And if U = 400, then I doubt that the capacitance is more than 0.1 μF.
I wonder in what cases this device was used. If as a compensator, then only small capacities ..
And what do you think???