And now his main secret! After filling the cans, he takes a 100 microfarad electrolytic capacitor, rated for at least 200 V, and charges it with 100 V. Disconnects the charged capacitor from the power source and discharges it to the battery, while observing the polarity: + to +, - to -.

Let's talk about folk methods that are used when the glasses are sweating. You probably know some recipes even without me, and something will be a curiosity - I promise you! 5 ways to keep your windows from sweating...

If we take a light bulb with a power of 100 W and turn it on without a battery, we will record a current of 0.45A. In a series circuit with a battery, the current will not exceed this value. The internal resistance of the battery is less than 1 ohm. Therefore, we can afford to neglect this value.